In this section, you'll learn about the Arduino and why it's been such an important part of the Maker Revolution. 

Getting to know the Arduino Uno: Atmega328P, USB, Shields 

Getting to know the Arduino Uno: Pins, power, clock 

In this lecture, we look at the Arduino's most important feature, its general purpose input output pins. These are the pins that allow you to interact with external devices like LEDS and buttons.
Using the digital output pins 

In this lecture,  we look at digital pins as inputs. 
Using the digital input pins 

In this lecture, we look at the the "analog" output. 
Using the analog output pins 

In this lecture, we look at the last function of the digital input/output pins -the analog input and how the analog input works.
Using the analog input pins 

End of section quiz 
Test the knowledge that you acquired in this section.


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